About Us
Home Cardiogrpaphics provides high quality cardiographic interpretations of ECG, Holter Monitor, and cardiac event recordings (loops). Based at Hotel Dieu Hospital, in Kingston, Home Cardiographics serves sites across Canada.
Home Cardiographics began thirty years ago, a partnership between Dr. John A. Milliken, and his daughter Amanda. At its inception, Sister Elizabeth McPherson RHS, encouraged Home Cardiographics as a means to further Hotel Dieu outreach. Dr. Milliken died in 2001, but Dr. Hoshiar Abdollah, and Dr. Andrew Koval took over interpretations. Dr Koval retired in spring of 2014 and he has been replaced by Dr. Gary Burggraf. Dr. Bruggraf and Dr. Hoshiar Abdollah, are our current readers. Both are former division heads of Cardiology at Queens University